Thursday, July 10, 2008

23# The End

Well here I am and the pigs are flying out the window as we speak or should that be type? I have finished something I never thought I would. Thankyou to Linda for staying calm as I intially ranted at her when I found out I was on the learning 2.o list.Thanks also to Michelle and Deb for your help and encouragement with your comments to me. I have been exposed to many things that I had only heard of people mentioning, so now at least if nothing else, I have a small amount of first hand experience and will be able to hopefully explore more and expand on my knowledge in the future.


I am not a Librarian said...

Yay!! Well done mon ami. To wind up your journey, there's a well-known saying that is very apt for your blog site:

'Another project ends...
- All targets met.
- All systems working.
- All customers satisfied.
- All staff eager and
- All pigs fed and ready to fly'

:o) Congratulations!

Michelle McLean said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You not only finished, but did it within the 12 weeks - a great effort!

Would love to hear if you have any ideas of how the library could use these tools.

Again - Well done!